My Mother Nature
Katy Valle
New York, United States
My mother
My mother nature
She was strong
A powerful woman
Her strike brought us thunder and rain
Her sweet words nurtured to life jungles and thick woodland
Her eyes had fire in them, yet her words were soft
We praised her
Years ago
We sang to her
We sent our precious people
Up to help her
She gave us all
And we left nothing.
There is
Nothing left of her
She is gone
She hasn’t brought rain
She hasn't grown forests
Her only life force
Was killed
By her own children
We have killed
Everything she gave us
We broke her heart
And left her
On the ground
To die
Our world mourns her
I will
Mourn my mother
My mother nature
Katy Valle was born on Long Island to two Hispanic immigrant parents who sacrificed so much to have them learn in a better place. They excelled and began their writing career. They have written 126 poems in the span of 2 years. When they are not writing their next poem, they enjoy photography, flag spinning, and musical theater. They still live on Long Island with their family and cat.