
what is

We are not really a lit mag.


  • At the end of each month! Get a short fun newsletter!

  • W/ fun treats like:

    • 2-3 poems by submitters

    • Poetry tips + tricks + thoughts from the month

    • Themes + schedules + everything you need to write more poetry


  • Workshops hosted halfway through each month

  • Connect w/ the Incantations community with activities like:

    • Free writes!

    • Readings! (and discussion)

    • Workshopping your writing! (for FREE!)

  • Submit by the early deadline for the opportunity to workshop your draft


  • Submit by the early deadline to be workshopped

  • Response by the end of the month

  • Accepted submissions published in our newsletter

  • Issues w/ these submissions published biannually

We don’t care about being exclusive or publishing the best or etc. We publish pieces we want to talk about; this can mean literally anything. Our goal is not to tell you that you are good or bad. The goal of Incantations is to WRITE, IMPROVE OUR WRITING, and CONNECT WITH OTHER WRITERS.

We have a very quick turnaround, which means that if you are rejected, we encourage you to submit somewhere else! And of course to keep submitting and being involved in our community. We love you all and we are so excited for this project.


Nina and Callista